D20 King

Dice Rolls


Name Bonus 1 Bonus 2 Bonus 3
Strength Physical Attack Damage Physical Attack Chance Athletics
Wisdom Spell Attack Damage Spell Attack Chance Perception
Dexterity Initiave Stealth Dodge Attack
Charisma Magic Items Persuasion Resist Charms
Constution Health Diesease/Poision Resist Attack Resist

Player Characters

Player Image

Alton Pussgobble

Halfling, Bard


Was captured as a child and made to be a slave entertainer for an evil wizard for most of his life. Carrys his dead father's magical lute.

Skill Strength Wisdom Dexterity Charisma Constution
Modifier 0 +1 +2 +3 0
Player Image


Orc, Barbarian


Was abandoned by his tribe and left to take care of himself. He uses his raw strength to overcome obsticles

Skill Strength Wisdom Dexterity Charisma Constution
Modifier +3 -1 0 +2 +1
Player Image

Vivi Bastille

Tiefling, Fighter


Former bodyguard that left to see the world. Is often judged on her apperance but strives to prove heself more than her stereotype of her race.

Skill Strength Wisdom Dexterity Charisma Constution
Modifier +3 +1 +1 +1 0
Player Image

Naivara Naïlo

High Elf, Druid


Peace and nature lover raised to live in haromny with nature. Only kills if threated or an innocent person is in danger.

Skill Strength Wisdom Dexterity Charisma Constution
Modifier +2 +2 +1 0 0
Player Image

Gandolf Xiloscient

High Elf, Wizard


Parents died when he was 50 form a plauge that broke out in his home city. He now roams the countryside looking for companions and adventure. He finds it hard to trust new people but he is loyal to the end for those he does.

Skill Strength Wisdom Dexterity Charisma Constution
Modifier -1 +2 +2 +2 +1